North East Motor Sports Museum Announces Release of “A History of Auto Racing in New England”

Ipswich, MA: The North East Motor Sports Museum recently announced that is has released its first major product, a book covering much of the history of auto racing in New England.

The new book, “A History of Auto Racing in New England,” is off the press and available now. With over 300 pages and more than 400 photos, this new book is a treasured resource for those who are interested in New England’s racing history.

Dick Berggren, President of the Racing History Preservation Group (RHPG) that is the parent company of the North East Motor Sports Museum noted “the book will help to preserve the rich history of auto racing here in the New England area and that is the main goal of the museum”.

The book includes chapters on racing from all over New England. Inclusive in the book is drag racing, road racing, midgets, dirt and asphalt tracks along with supermodified racing and the modifieds each have a chapter all their own. There’s an entire chapter of interesting photos with detailed captions and a chapter remembering those who have lost their lives at New England’s race tracks.

Available from the leading motorsports publisher Coastal, (978) 462-2436 and priced at just $34.95 plus $6.00 for S&H, this hard cover book is printed on high quality paper. All net proceeds from the sale of the book go to support the North East Motor Sports Museum which will be built at New Hampshire Motor Speedway.

The book’s publishers, Lew and Cary Boyd of Coastal 181, are shown (see attached photo) with copies of “A History of Auto Racing in New England.”

To learn more about the North East Motor Sports Museum, please visit the museum website at